Hello everyone
Pudsey here and it’s been another day in my dog’s life but for some reason mum was dead excited??!!! She got me up early...too early to be honest I was quite happy snoozing. I watched her loading stuff into the car and packing her handbag up...I thought we were going to the beach but mummy kept saying we were going to wufts again.....Wufts??? I don’t remember going to a Wufts and getting dirty! With kisses to Jarvis and Baby of we set in the car...didn’t take that long and there we were...at a giant car park...this didn’t look very exciting at all mother.
After a bit of a walk I could smell the smell of a thousand dogs and the hustle and bustle of lots of people. We met a lovely lady called Margaret who took us through a giant hall of goodies...I’m pretty sure we passed a beautiful pink studded harness in my size and array of kongs that I was most upset mummy didn’t stop and buy me...but anyway we carried on and ended up at a stand. This was the Dogs Theft Action stand and I listened closely as mummy talked to a very nice lady who has lost her bully and got him back 4 years later.....4 years.....omg what would I do without my mummy for 4 years!!! After my introductions to everyone we went for a wander up to the Discover Dogs stand and I met some more mini bullys and Dolly their mummy and had my photo taken by lots of people passing by...I couldn’t see all the fuss...I’m beautiful..Of course they wanted to take my picture. Mum kept telling me what a good girl I was...tell me something I don’t already know.
After wondering around for a bit more and a bit of a stop to play with my toy and some bacon crisps we went back over to see Margaret and the other girls at Dogs Theft. There was a bit of a crowd gathering and MORE people wanted to take my photo. Mum explained that we were taking home a scanner so that other bullys with microchips like me would be able to be returned back to their mummies and daddies sooner with this piece of equipment...so of course...I had to
do my bit..After all if it wasn’t for BIN I wouldn’t have my mummy now. I met a lovely man called Roy Barraclough and a lady called Debbie Mathews and had my photo taken with them and I posed like a good bully should. I showed Roy where you need to check for the chip so he knew...well...I felt it my duty.
After all these people had gone mummy took my back down the stalls and bought me the kong I had my eye on earlier...then we set off back in the car home.
Now I’ve had a wonderful day out...but a diva needs her beauty sleep.
Look forward to speaking to you all again soon.
Woofs and kisses
Pudsey (and her eternally loving mum Lynsey)
Pudsey here and it’s been another day in my dog’s life but for some reason mum was dead excited??!!! She got me up early...too early to be honest I was quite happy snoozing. I watched her loading stuff into the car and packing her handbag up...I thought we were going to the beach but mummy kept saying we were going to wufts again.....Wufts??? I don’t remember going to a Wufts and getting dirty! With kisses to Jarvis and Baby of we set in the car...didn’t take that long and there we were...at a giant car park...this didn’t look very exciting at all mother.
After a bit of a walk I could smell the smell of a thousand dogs and the hustle and bustle of lots of people. We met a lovely lady called Margaret who took us through a giant hall of goodies...I’m pretty sure we passed a beautiful pink studded harness in my size and array of kongs that I was most upset mummy didn’t stop and buy me...but anyway we carried on and ended up at a stand. This was the Dogs Theft Action stand and I listened closely as mummy talked to a very nice lady who has lost her bully and got him back 4 years later.....4 years.....omg what would I do without my mummy for 4 years!!! After my introductions to everyone we went for a wander up to the Discover Dogs stand and I met some more mini bullys and Dolly their mummy and had my photo taken by lots of people passing by...I couldn’t see all the fuss...I’m beautiful..Of course they wanted to take my picture. Mum kept telling me what a good girl I was...tell me something I don’t already know.
After wondering around for a bit more and a bit of a stop to play with my toy and some bacon crisps we went back over to see Margaret and the other girls at Dogs Theft. There was a bit of a crowd gathering and MORE people wanted to take my photo. Mum explained that we were taking home a scanner so that other bullys with microchips like me would be able to be returned back to their mummies and daddies sooner with this piece of equipment...so of course...I had to

After all these people had gone mummy took my back down the stalls and bought me the kong I had my eye on earlier...then we set off back in the car home.

Look forward to speaking to you all again soon.
Woofs and kisses
Pudsey (and her eternally loving mum Lynsey)

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