Tuesday, March 24, 2009


You may have heard rumours about BIN closing so I thought I would let you know what is happening. A disgruntled person decided to launch a scathing attack on BIN on Facebook, making some terrible accusations against BIN as an organisation and some of our personnel. This in itself was stressful enough but we know it would have passed. However, when another group of people who should really know better decided to join in, people who profess to having the dogs interests at heart, we realised that whatever we did this group were going to continue to harrass us. Therefore sadly I decided that BIN couldn't possibly carry on with this continually happening. It is really sad that things have come to this but these people are relentless in their accusations.
I will update here when more is known but please be assured that we won't be finishing over night, it will take many weeks and we are sorting out provision for support for all dogs we have rehomed to date.

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