Yesterday I met a friend for the very first time, I have known Mandy via the internet for years, but had never actually met her, that has now changed, it was lovely to finally see her. She came with Lisa on her regular trip, she visits me every few weeks and collects food and other supplies for her kennel dogs, we discuss various aspects of BIN work and often she either brings or collects a foster dog. This time she collected a lovely young Staffy cross on her way that I had agreed to help out, he is the most lovable boy you could wish to meet, you will soon see him on the web site.
This time Lisa also collected something that bit extra special, most of you will know that we have been raising funds for a van, the situation was becoming rather desperate but we didn't want to get anything that wasn't in really good condition. Well a supporter of ours told us that if we could raise a decent deposit they would take out a loan to cover the rest of the cost, we could then make the payments when we could afford it. They agreed that they would cover the costs if we were unable to cover the payments. It is nice to know that there won't be any pressure on us if we get a particularly heavy month with vets bills, but we will be doing our very best to raise enough money to cover it.

Here I am handing the keys over to Lisa, unfortunately the graphics weren't put on in time for Lisa to collect, but as soon as they are on another picture will be taken.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has worked so hard to enable us to get this van, many of you have done fund raising and without you we would never have been able to achieve this.
Way to go Ann and Lisa...just what we needed! A big thanks to the BIN supporter who has helped us with the loan.
you missed out the funny bits of the van handover, oh well I will have to do the out takes I suppose
Fantastic news, sure this will make a big difference to the Bullies In Need :) Linda xxx
Getting the van is brilliant news. Transporting more than one dog will be so much easier now. Well done to everyone who helped raise the money for this. Caz x
thanks ann the ever modest person i really do love my van i love it so much i could sleep in it little puppy came back safely, not in crate but front seat with roy and jason, thanks guys but thankyou ann i am proud and more prouder then any rescuer could be lisa
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